So until I find my "slick web-design firm" this will be where I rest my bullshit to rant and rave about whatever I want. Please excuse my mess, and do what you can to not leave your own.
Although this is not a suitable introduction, even for my word- floods, I am pretending to be very busy right now, and I want to sound professional and come off as someone with a lot of irons on the fire, things on the back burner, bigger fish to fry. I don't want to be a flash-in-the-pan becasue I know a watched pot never boils, and this may not be your cup of tea, even I feel like it's out of the fire and into the frying pan for me, I have to say that aside from all the stove-top references I just made, some of you will be burning to know what's cooking!
So now that I've made a fool out of myself singing "I'm A Little Tea-Pot", I hope the hot-shots light a fire under me, put heat on me and my projects, though I have been burned too many times.
Wow, All this blazing-fast typing has me fried.
Anyway, I slaved over a hot stove cooking up this smoking blog, so enjoy. And if you don't like what you're reading, please don't add fuel to teh fire or fan the flames.
Jeez, I'm burned out.
fuel to THE FIRE...typos Kevin.