Thursday, August 18, 2011


“If someone is trying to ostracize you it means you ARE different, and God bless you because there’s a great premium on originality!”
--Kevin Piastra

I totally understand insults and hitting below the belt from strangers sucks, it really does.

However, you shouldn’t let those nasty bastards get to you. There are simply TONS of people online who TRY to bully anyone they can. This is because they are the sick, dumb, depressed lowlifes.

Folks have bullied me on Twitter and my close friend was going at it with some limey, British bastards for almost 5 years on YouTube! This stuff happens all the time—okay, too often.
But after a while I learned to get over it. After a week or two I stopped trying to get back at this Twitter guy, who was calling me “an ugly faggot who isn’t funny!” Well, guess what? Since I decided to not respond, he went away! I never heard from this guy again!

On the Internet, there is a name for people who sign up for social networking accounts for the sole purpose of trying to spread misery to others. These people are called TROLLS.

TROLLS are those who never grow out of 8th grade bullying, and their only purpose online is to try to get attention from people by insulting them. This is because no one cares about TROLLS in life!

What you can try to do is turn their cruelty into a positive piece of entertainment. It’s like how late-night hosts take political clips or videos of celebs out of context to poke fun at them, because they’re hard to make fun of in any other way.

Responding with anger/sadness to these haters/bullies GIVES them the power they’re after. That is not how you want to handle a bully. You shouldn’t get even; you should employ Kung-Fu philosophy on your attacker: “defend, don’t attack; and use your enemy’s attacks against them”.

Bullies have attacked THE BEST of public figures. Dane Cook, Carlos Mencia, EVERY politician, Larry David. These famous people, for the most part, know how to handle the pressure of public scrutiny.

Comedians and politicians know that it’s a very good idea to make fun of their-selves before others get a chance to. This way, a bully figures, “Well, he already made fun of himself, so how hurt could he be by what I have to say?”

TROLLS are the ones who are truly suffering. They just want to spread their pain. Misery loves company right? So, by making fun of their insults, I owned it.

Acknowledging a bully in any other way would be giving them power. The best way to get back to people like Sean Hannity, for example, would be to boycott his show and dismiss his validity. NOTHING PISSES OFF A BULLY OFF MORE!

Sometimes you’re being attacked out of jealousy, and a lot of people are good at masking their jealousy with annoying cruelty.
