Saturday, April 7, 2012


Hey! How y'all doing tonight? It's 3:30 in the afternoon?

Oh well. Anyway, it's been a hell of a while since I talked to you folks. I guess you could say I took a blogging hiatus, even though most people who call themselves bloggers got to be that way from taking one too many a hiatus. But I digress.

I wanted to talk to you today about a touchy subject, a topic most comedians don't like to discuss for fear that it alienates their audience members and shoos off potential fans. Controversy should usually be avoided! I speak, of course, about...FaceBook!

Hahaha, you thought I was gonna say "politics!" didn't you? Well, I'm an unpredictable guy. Hell, I might even be so wild as to not spell-check this post.

Alright, so really, I just wanted to share with you an encounter I experienced about fourteen minutes ago.
The following is a funny, true conversation I had with an old classmate (haven't seen him in years!) on FaceBook. Feel free to forward it in your E-Mails. We’ll call him Bob:

BOB: A black, a Muslim, and a communist walk into a bar. The bartender says “what can I get you to drink, Mr. President?”

KEVIN PIASTRA: half black, not Muslim, and not even almost a Socialist.

BOB: I’m entitled to my beliefs.

KP: Why would you want to believe something that’s been proven false? One plus one isn’t five, but you’re entitled to believe that too.

BOB: That’s all I ask.

KP: A racist, a bigot, and a stubborn/closed-minded guy walk into a bar, the bartender says, “What can I get ya, Bob?”

BOB: Too far, Kev, too far.

KP: Not as far as your joke.

----------E N D T R A N S C R I P T------------

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