Monday, June 27, 2011


I almost forgot about you guys! Wouldn't that be awful? I don't want to leave all of you alone, sitting in front of your monitors staring at this blog, refreshing the page every 5 seconds in desperate anticipation of the next thing I shoot onto here. I am so (sarcastically) sorry for the delay!

Okay, today's topic will digress from my usual rantings about how behind I still am with my file system. Instead, we shall this iPad seems to be getting smaller--okay, never mind.

Um, err, yeah. I ain't got nothin', alright?! I lost contact with my muse!

Nah, I'm just kiddin'!

We're gonna talk about something besides myself for today. Hooray for those of you who read this stuff, but actually don't care about the author!

Skittles are amazing! I've expressed that on twitter many times, and I am gleefully filled to the jolly brim with joy that they not only direct awesomely hilarious TV ads and they taste friggin' so great it cannot be described in words but has to be experienced by yourself, but they have a Twitter! They tweet funny one-liners that I treasure and Jesus Christ I wish they'd sponsor me!

Go out and get some dam. skittles already! What are you waiting for? Come on, BEFORE Jesus gets back!!!

I'm gonna have me a bag right now :)


And of course,

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